Md. Izhar Alam 1, Abdul Nasir Ansari 2, Md. Tanwir Alam 3
An open, before and post without control, interventional clinical trial was used to conduct the investigation. The length of the study was set at 30 days. Nuskha Maulusool was administered in decoction form once per morning (empty stomach) for 15 days to thirty qualified patients with hemiplegia brought on by a stroke. On the 13th and 15th days, Nuskha Mushile Balgham was combined with Maulusool and administered orally to induce purgation. Inkebab was introduced with 20 gms of marzanjosh on the 16th day and continued every day until the study’s conclusion. To evaluate the individuals’ activities of daily living (ADL), the before and post treatment values of the Barthel index were compared using a paired t test. After receiving treatment, patients’ ADL significantly improved (p 0.001). Throughout and after the research, no unpleasant side effects were noticed in the treatment group, and overall treatment compliance was satisfactory. The study found that the test medication improved patients’ ADLs in a statistically meaningful way.
Keywords: Unani Medicine; Hemiplegia; ADL; Inkebab; Falije Nisfi; Munzij Mushil