ISSN:0033-8362. E-ISSN: 1826-6983



Temporal Bone Ct-Based Anatomical Parameters Associated with the Development of Cholesteatoma

Michele Cavaliere¹, Lorenzo Ugga¹, Armando Monfregola¹

  1. Department of Precision Medicine, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Piazza Luigi Miraglia, 2, 80138, Naples, Italy



Cholesteatoma is caused by disorders of the middle ear ventilation that trigger a progressive series of events responsible for its formation. The aim of this study was to identify possible radiological CT-derived parameters predisposing to ventilation disorders and cholesteatoma.

Materials and Method

In this retrospective study, patients diagnosed with cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media who underwent temporal bone CT and open tympanoplasty surgery have been included, as well as control patients with clinical examination negative for organic otological pathology who underwent temporal bone CT for other reasons. For each patient, the following parameters have been extracted from CT volumes: degree of mastoid pneumatization, prominence of the cog, patency of the Eustachian tube, antrum width, aditus width, anterior and posterior epitympanic widths, and epitympanic height.


 Sixty patients have been included, thirty of whom belonged to the group of patients with cholesteatoma and the remaining part to the group of patients without organic otological pathology. The prevalence of a low degree of mastoid pneumatization was signifcantly higher among patients with cholesteatoma, as well as for the prevalence of cog prominence (p<0.001). All the continuous variables were found to have statistical signifcance (p<0.05) in the comparison between groups except for the width of the antrum.


Mastoid pneumatization degree, prominence of the cog and epitympanic measures based on temporal bone CT could be good radiological correlates of the ventilatory capabilities of the epitympanum which, if compromised, can facilitate the development of cholesteatoma.

Keywords: Multidetector computed tomography, cholesteatoma, cross-sectional anatomy, diagnostic imaging


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